Ready to Print Postcard - Upload Your Own Design CLPC-RTP

Stand out and send something different by sending a postcard you’ve created.  Create your own postcard design and have Chalk Line print your items. 

Our postcards are printed in color, front and back, on 110lb card stock. Our postcards are available in four sizes: 4.25 x 5.5, 4 x 6, 5 x 7, and 5.5 x 8.5, and may be printed with a border or full-bleed. 

They may be sent as a postcard or mailed in an envelope*. Have Chalk Line help you mail your cards out directly to your mailing list or have them shipped directly to you.

Questions? Contact us at

*Items mailed in an envelope cannot be personalized with your recipients' names due to production requirements.

*Note: for Email-Add Ons, you may choose between a Static Email $9.99 (Exact copy of your letter converted into an email), or a Static Email PLUS $12.99 (Exact copy of your letter converted into an email, PLUS one hyperlink, links to social media, giving button added and introductory paragraph above letter.) For each recipient in your email list, there is a $0.03 sending fee. For additional options, please visit our separate Email Newsletter item. 

For your postcard design, PDF is the preferred file format. We accept Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Apple Pages. If submitting as a Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, or Apple Pages document, our staff may send a PDF proof for you to review to ensure that your formatting is correct on our end.

When creating your design, please ensure that your design fits one of the following sizes: 4.25 in x 5.5 in, 4 in x 6 in, 5 in x 7 in, or 5.5 in x 8.5 in. Please refer to the Postcard Print Layout Guide Templates on our website for more formatting information.

For your mailing list, a CSV or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is the preferred file format. We also accept Apple Numbers. Please ensure your spreadsheet ONLY includes the information of the intended recipients and is formatted with the correct information for each recipient. A sample spreadsheet of our preferred formatting is located here: Mailing List How-Tos.

(max 200MB)
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